
The thing I’m most proud of was what I did for my parents. I was only 22 when I started out, so I
had another 40 or 50 years to recoup if things hadn’t worked out. But my parents were so close
to retirement age that it wasn’t even a case of sink or swim. It was just: swim, you have to. It
scared the crap out of me doing it.
About a year ago, my dad pulled me aside, and said, “I’ve just checked the bank balance. I just
want to say thanks ever so much for everything you’ve done. There’s absolutely no way I’d be in
this position if it wasn’t for you.” That has got to be the proudest moment of my life.
It was a great way to pay my parents back for everything they had done for me over the years.
I don’t think anything else in my property career could ever come anywhere close to that. My
dad tapping me on shoulder, looking me in the eye, and saying, “Thanks so much. I don’t need to
worry about money now.”

What advice would you give for anyone else that wants to follow in your footsteps?
You’ve got to have a plan and you’ve got to take action. It’s one thing having a plan but then not
taking action. You’re not going to be any further forward.
Look at people you aspire to be like: people that are inspirational and motivational, people that
have done what you want to achieve. Then emulate them, copy them. You’re not going to get

100% exactly what they got, but you will get pretty close if you follow what they’ve done. There
will be ups and downs, and there will be things you won’t see coming when you’re looking
through your rose-tinted glasses. You will have good days, and you will have bad days.
I’m very fortunate now to be able to live the life that I do, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
It hasn’t always been like this, and you’re going to have struggles. As happy as I am on a daily
basis, you can’t be in a constant state of positivity and happiness because that’s not reality. Bad
things happen, bad days happen. Accept it, deal with it. Look for the silver lining; look for the
positive messages it can bring.
To take action, you’ve got to know what you want to do. Find somebody who can help you along
the way, whether it be watching a YouTube video, or going to a seminar or a mentor. You need
to find somebody that’s done it before, because otherwise, you won’t have a clue what to do, and
you’ll be running around in circles.

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